I represent clients who need to seal a criminal record or expunge a criminal record throughout the State of Florida including but not limited to the following Towns and Cities: Bunnell, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Crescent City, East Palatka, Georgetown, Florahome, Hollister, Interlachen, Lake Comoo, Palatka, Pomona Park, San Mateo, Satsuma, Welaka and Melrose
I have represented many professional individuals, including business owners, doctors, accountants, lawyers and real estate professionals in a variety of serious white collar crime accusations.
Defending individuals charged with white collar crimes requires knowledge of complex transactional procedures and financial information. For many white-collar crime accusations in Florida, we rely on some of the top financial expert witnesses, investigators and forensic accountants to give our clients the best chance of winning at trial or negotiating the best possible disposition before trial.