Private mugshot websites often keep the photographs online even if the person was found not guilty or the charges were dropped. Some of these companies will remove the photograph and mug shot from their website for a fee which can be very expensive. And they will often remove the photo from one website but then add it to its sister websites.
Other states have addressed the problem in a variety of different ways. Some states have passed laws that say public records cannot be used for commercial purposes. I represent clients who need to seal a criminal record or expunge a criminal record throughout the State of Florida including but not limited to the following Towns and Cities: Bunnell, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Crescent City, East Palatka, Georgetown, Florahome, Hollister, Interlachen, Lake Comoo, Palatka, Pomona Park, San Mateo, Satsuma, Welaka and Melrose .
Florida law does not impose civil or criminal penalties on entities that publish mugshots of individuals. Nevertheless, several statutes that create civil remedies for similar behavior. Florida Statute Section 540.08, prohibits a person from publishing, printing, displaying or otherwise publicly using for purposes of trade or for any commercial or advertising purpose the name, portrait, photograph, or other likeness of any natural person without express, written or oral consent.
Contact me today or go to The Law Office of Kurt Teifke, I can help you seal or expunge your record and contact the data mining companies to request that your mugshot and personal information is removed from their website.